Starting at just 165 Baht / month

you can immediately start using SABLE Consent.

It's easy to install yourself in just a few simple steps,
ensuring your website complies with data protection laws (PDPA) accurately.

เริ่มต้นเพียง 165 บาท/เดือน คุณก็สามารถ ใช้งาน SABLE Consent ได้ทันที

It's easy to install yourself in just a few simple steps,
ensuring your website complies with data protection laws (PDPA) accurately.

เริ่มต้นเพียง 165 บาท/เดือน คุณก็สามารถ ใช้งาน SABLE Consent ได้ทันที

It's easy to install yourself in just a few simple steps,
ensuring your website complies with data protection laws (PDPA) accurately.

Package price

Does your website comply
with PDPA laws?


Get to know SABLE Consent more

What is PDPA/GDPR?

PDPA is a law designed to establish measures and duties of various organizations to protect the personal data of consumers or service users. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a law protecting personal data in the European Union. (EU)

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files. that are stored on the browser on our device The file will be created automatically when we visit various websites, which will help facilitate convenience when users visit the website, such as remembering the products they added to the cart, remembering passwords. In addition, it is beneficial to service providers. Because it gives the website owner the right to access user information in various aspects such as usage behavior. To analyze the system or usage pattern to best meet your needs.


Currently,he Personal Data Protection Act or PDPA provides protection for personal and sensitive personal information. Including the conditions for collecting information from those who visit the website. And if you want to collect, use, or disclose that personal information, you must obtain consent from the owner of the personal information first. which means If any website uses cookies You must ask for consent from website users as well.

And when we press to accept the use of cookies on the website Cookies store various information for processing. and present content that suits your needs. Helps you make your website easier to use. and allow service providers to offer products or services that are close to our needs. It also helps create an impression of use.

If I purchase a package, can I upgrade it later?

Yes, you can upgrade to additional packages at any time. Please inquire with our team for more details.

How do you know if the website you are using is PDPA/GDPR compliant?